
SVCI 2020 Registry Value RxFIFO or TxFIFO Have Wrong Data solution


The SVCI 2020 is failed to communicate with a new BMW E46 2001 GEN that has been replaced recently. The warning “Registry value RxFIFO or TxFIFO have wrong data! Maybe there are problems! Under Windows NT/XP run OBDSetup.exe.” keeps coming out.

I’ve tried several times but was unable to clear the error. Any ideas?


Please follow the steps below, then re-connect the device to read fault codes again.
Step1. Open the SVCI 2020 installation directory.
Step2. Enter “C: Program File (x86)\Abrites Commander Software List\Common2\” directory and copy BMW folder to “C: Program Files (x86)\Abrites Commander Software List\Common\” directory

Hope this is helpful.


How to change VCM2 serial number

I have figured out how to change the serial number of the Ford VCM 2 as well as enter test mode, and get a root shell on it.

You’ll need a microSD card for this to work.

1. Use IDS 86.

2. Recover your VCM2.

a. Describing how to recover is beyond the scope of this post. Search the forums for instructions.

b. After recovery your VCM2 should be at VCM2 FW version

3. Wait about 90 seconds after the VCM2 beeps before proceeding. We are waiting for the SD card to be populated.

4. Unplug the VCM2 and eject the SD card.

5. Mount the SD card with a linux machine.

6. On the SD card open ‘apps/vci-diags/hwtest-scripts/self-test.sh’ for editing.

7. Add the following line to the file:

touch /etc/vci/config/testmode

8. Cleanly unmount the SD card and insert it back into the VCM2.

9. Plug the VCM2 unit into the computer and wait 90 seconds past beep before proceeding.

10. Launch IDS.

11. Go to system utilities

12.Select ‘Launch Monitor Tool’ and confirm on the pop up.
13. Select ‘Run System Diagnostics’ > ‘Next’ > ‘Test a VCM II Module’ > ‘Next’

14.Once the test completes unplug, wait a couple seconds, and then re-plug the VCM2 into the computer.
15. Wait about 15 seconds past when the VCM2 beeps and point your browser to

You are now in the test mode web server.
a. To set a new serial number select ‘Set New Serial Number’ and proceed with serial number setting.
The default serial number is: 1211-31605352
b. To get a root shell Telnet to you will be dropped to a root shell without providing login credentials.
c. To stay in testmode at next reboot select ‘Set Repair Test Mode’. This has to be done once per boot or you will have to go through this whole process to re-enable test mode.

Here Be Dragons:
To those who would go poking around, tread carefully. I accidentally ran cgi-bin/total-reflash and wiped my VCM2.

My bootloader was still intacted and available on pins 24 & 25 of the HDL26-PL-B connector.


How to Install Software for Ford and Mazda

Firstly please prepare two laptops, one for software for Ford, the other is for Mazda. This is the instruction for the tool Ford

Ford IDS Software Free Download :
Ford_IDS V124:  https://mega.nz/folder/6dwzgaJR#XW2q1xPdbgKV4XtZQqkB0w
Mzd_IDS V124:   https://mega.nz/folder/iQp1UACZ#d4ey2cWHmaEMf9n2dTcTAQ
Ford_Mzd V124: https://mega.nz/folder/OV4RRC6B#seCWP6UCzOPWEDYlQxZ1iQ


Here are the installation steps for Ford.
1. Install Ford IDS-124
2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS – 124, and restart the computer
3. Install the Ford original VCI software_
4. Install VCI manager (Ford) 20.11.24 and Ford IDS driver
5. Wait for the VCI manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
6. Connect device and install IDS patch
7. Use IDSpatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.


Here are the installation steps for Mazda.
1. Install Mazda IDS-124
2. Wait for the installation of Mazda IDS – 124, and restart the computer
3. Install VCI manager (Mazda) 20.11.24 and Mazda IDS driver
4. Wait for the VCI manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
5. Connect device and install IDS patch
6. Use IDSpatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.



how to change the serial number of the Ford VCM 2

I have figured out how to change the serial number of the Ford VCM 2 as well as enter test mode, and get a root shell on it.

You’ll need a microSD card for this to work.

1. Use IDS 86.

2. Recover your VCM2.

a. Describing how to recover is beyond the scope of this post. Search the forums for instructions.

b. After recovery your VCM2 should be at VCM2 FW version

3. Wait about 90 seconds after the VCM2 beeps before proceeding. We are waiting for the SD card to be populated.

4. Unplug the VCM2 and eject the SD card.

5. Mount the SD card with a linux machine.

6. On the SD card open ‘apps/vci-diags/hwtest-scripts/self-test.sh’ for editing.

7. Add the following line to the file:

touch /etc/vci/config/testmode

8. Cleanly unmount the SD card and insert it back into the VCM2.

9. Plug the VCM2 unit into the computer and wait 90 seconds past beep before proceeding.

10. Launch IDS.

11. Go to system utilities

12.Select ‘Launch Monitor Tool’ and confirm on the pop up.
13. Select ‘Run System Diagnostics’ > ‘Next’ > ‘Test a VCM II Module’ > ‘Next’

14.Once the test completes unplug, wait a couple seconds, and then re-plug the VCM2 into the computer.
15. Wait about 15 seconds past when the VCM2 beeps and point your browser to

You are now in the test mode web server.
a. To set a new serial number select ‘Set New Serial Number’ and proceed with serial number setting.
The default serial number is: 1211-31605352
b. To get a root shell Telnet to you will be dropped to a root shell without providing login credentials.
c. To stay in testmode at next reboot select ‘Set Repair Test Mode’. This has to be done once per boot or you will have to go through this whole process to re-enable test mode.

Here Be Dragons:
To those who would go poking around, tread carefully. I accidentally ran cgi-bin/total-reflash and wiped my VCM2.

My bootloader was still intacted and available on pins 24 & 25 of the HDL26-PL-B connector.


Free Download SVCI J2534 Ford IDS V125 Software & Patch

STIC SVCI J2534 Ford IDS software V125 has been tested and verified working without problem Obd2tool.com shares free download resources.

Software Operation System: Win7 64bit, Win 8, Win 10

SVCI J2534 ford QuickLoader V1.2.5 patch

Free download Ford IDS 125

SVCI J2534 VCI V1.0.0.0

No password!


SVCI J2534 Ford vs VCM II vs Other Ford J2534

Function SVCI J2534 Genuine VCM II
Other Ford J2534 NOTE
Automatically startup without license Yes Need license
Support online module programming Yes Yes
Support online PATS/RKE learning Yes Yes
Support SAE J1850 PWM 83.3K baud rate Yes Partly
Support FEPS 18V programming voltage Yes Yes Partly
Support FEPS 5-20V adjustable voltage Yes Partly
Support reading programming voltage Yes Partly
Support EEC-V multiple items data logger Yes Partly
Support PTEC multiple items data logger Partly Partly Yes MY 1994-2000 Ford
Support SAE J1850 module programming Partly MY 2000-2006 Ford
Support power balance performance test Partly Partly MY 1995-2006 Ford
Support CANBUS module programming Partly Partly Partly MY1995-2006 Ford
Support online software update Yes
Calculate incode pre-2010 for free Yes

SVCI has been tested working with FJDS, FDRS programs for new Fords.

SVCI has fixed J1850 PWM protocol module programming bugs in Feb. 2021. Users can set reprogramming voltage to 18V on PIN 13 and do reprogramming for Ford J1850 PWM vehicle.

SVCI J2534 Ford J1850 PWM Module Reprogramming Guide

Guide to install SVCI J2534 ford software:
Step 1: Download IDSFord software
Step 2: Download SVCI-J2534-for-ford patch software
Step 3: Download IDS-VCI (Ford) software
Step 4: install software directly that downloads


VCM2 Only see 2003 Lincoln Town in HS Mode


2003 Lincoln Town Car Signature with Park Aid

Interface OHP ELMconfig USB with manual HS//MS switch

Connects successfully in HS mode and I can see DDM,DSM LCM, ATC,ABS, PATS and other modules – but not PAM.


The ISO9141 Protocol has been supported by Both Forscan And ELM327 based adaptors since the beginning versions. HS/MS switch must be in the HS Can position for these early SCP/PWM and ISO equipped Vehicles. MSCan Position will have no connection.

WDS and NGS are the obsolete Ford Diagnostic software and hardware that were replaced by IDS and the VCM and VCM 2

Your Lincoln May have a DLC UBP pin 3 but as far as I know the Cars never had a UBP network or anything connected to it as it was mostly used in the Trucks and SUV’s. There would be about 3 to 5 volts positive to Ground if anything is connected to Pin number 3. Another member on this forum had checked his Lincoln and the 3 pin was there but it was dead.

If the PAM module was responding to Forscan through the adaptor, it should have shown up in the ISO network tree along with any other modules that are likely on that same network(The overhead consol display that the PAM warning appears on would have to be on that network) and also appeared in the vehicle configuration list.

If it is not showing up there then you will need to gain access(Remove trim panels and such like. Check manual for module location and connector views) to the display module connector and the PAM module connector to check if the positive voltage is present in the PAM module connector and the ground connection out of the connector has continuity.
Then continuity from the PAM module connector to each of the sensors connectors in rear bumper will be next!

If the module is receiving 12 V+ Power and is grounded( A working module should be showing in the network list with DTC’s if these and ISO wiring are good) and sensor wiring and connectors check out then the module communication wires from the PAM module Connector to the Display’s connector and to the DLC Pin number 7 will be the next to check as the Display gets the PAM signal from the PAM module over the ISO network.

If You say you have Service manual then You are about to make good use of it!
It should have wiring and connector Diagrams and a Pin Point flow chart in it!

If the PAM module is receiving 12V+ and has a ground connection the sensor connections check out(sensors and connectors are prone to moisture and corrosion) and the Display and PAM module’s ISO Connection to No7 DLC Pin all check out then you have a PAM module that has probably died!
It does Happen!

Good luck! Hope this is of some help?


Thanks for the feedback. The manuals are helpful except, in this case a bit confusing. In the Module Comunications Network section it says the PAM is on the UBP network and refers me to the Parking Aid section in the same manual, but in that section it clearly says the PAM is on the ISO 9141 network as I mentioned above. I do see the Restraint Control Module (RCM) show up so I guess I do have access to ISO9141.

As for truck vs car – I have noticed the Panther platform (Crown Vic, Grand Marquis, Town Car) seems to “borrow” a lot of components from the truck lines, esp. Explorer. Maybe it’s the similarities in construction and drive line.


You are not alone in the confusion you are experiencing! I ran into this same predicament with my 03 Expedition. The Wiring manual I have shows the PAM in Module communications on the UBP (Violet Wire) network but Forscan reads it on the ISO(Light Blue/White wire) network and the Service manual says PAM is on the UBP network.

It seems that even Ford is confused about this!

If your TC has Climate Controlled Seats and you are not seeing them on the network list they may also be on the UPB network as are mine in the Expy.

If Pin 3 shows any voltage(5 V+ Key on in my Expy) to ground (Pin 4 or 5 in the DLC) you may have a UPB network and PAM may be on it in this case and that is only available with A VCM2 in Forscan. Never have tried with anything else except VCX Nano and that was an exercise in futility. Never got it to connect at all to either of these “Old Guys”! Had to go for a VCM2 Clone (Used it to help the team get UBP support working back in Version 2.3.09) and it has been good so far! Getting hard to find a good one of those unfortunately.

Only other way to tell, and you may be going in there in any case, is to to gain access to the PAM Module connector and see what wire colours are going into the Module Communications pin. Violet likely means UBP, Light Blue/White means ISO, at least it is in the two trucks (03 Expy and 05 F150) I have here, but your TC wiring Diagram may differ!


Yea “FORD Engineered” is sometimes a complement and sometimes a curse..


VXDIAG Ford IDS V124 Cannot Do 2020 Ford Explorer


VXDIAG Ford IDS V124 Cannot Do 2020 Ford Explorer

My vxdiag vcx nano Ford IDS V124 failed to communicate with a 2020 Ford Explorer. It says ‘use only Ford Diagnosis and Repair System (FDRS) for this vehicle.’  Any idea how to make it work?


As the IDS says, you have to use FDRS on this vehicle.

Ford Diagnostic & Repair System (FDRS) – The next generation factory Ford Motor Company vehicle diagnostic Software designed for use with VCM II, VCMM and J2534 compatible Vehicle Communications Interfaces (VCI). FDRS provides complete dealership level vehicle diagnostic coverage for some 2018 and forward vehicles. FDRS provides superior capabilities, is more user-friendly and provides more diagnostic tools than IDS. The cloud-based system ensures the technician is provided the latest software every time FDRS logs into the Ford network.

Ford vehicles by model year supported on FDRS
*   Bronco 2021
*   Bronco Sport 2021
*   EcoSport 2018-2021
*   Edge 2021
*   Escape 2020-2021
*   Expedition 2018-2021
*   Explorer 2020-2021
*   F-150 2021
*   Mustang 2021
*   Mustang Mach-E 2021
*   Ranger 2019-2021
*   SuperDuty 2020-2021
*   Transit 2020-2021
*   Transit Connect 2019-2021

Lincoln vehicles by model year supported on FDRS
*   Aviator 2020-2021
*   Corsair 2020-2021
*   Nautilus 2021
*   Navigator 2018-2021

VXDIAG VCX NANO Ford J1534 has been tested working without problem with FDRS.


HOW TO RESET Ford Bronco Oil Service Maintenance Light



Ford Bronco Oil Reset Quick and simple instructions for resetting the Oil service maintenance reminder indicator light on a Ford Bronco from the model years 2020-2021-2022.

4 Easy Steps to Reset

Step 1 Switch the ignition on. Do not start the engine.

Step 2 Using the driver information button on the steering wheel. Press the MENU button then Scroll down to Oil Life then press the OK button.

Step 3 While the Oil Life is Displayed, Press and hold the Ok Button.


Step 4  While Pressing and hold the OK button, the Oil life will reset to 100%.


Turn off the ignition, then start the engine to verify that the service life has been reset.

Quick info About Ford Bronco

The Ford Bronco was originally developed as an off-road vehicle in the 1960s. Ford discontinued the Bronco after the 1996 model year. The nameplate has been used on other Ford SUVs, namely the 1984–1990 Bronco II compact SUV and the 2021 Bronco Sport compact crossover. The Ford Bronco was introduced in 1987 as a short-wheelbase version of the eighth-generation Ford F-150. The Bronco returned its 4.9L inline-6, 5.0L V8, and 5.8L H.O.

V8 engines from the previous generations. The Bronco was unveiled on July 13, 2020. The car has a 2.3-liter turbocharged EcoBoost inline-four that makes 300 hp and 325 lb-ft (441 N⋅ft) of torque. Custom interior appointments include a walnut steering wheel and front bucket seats with russet suede bolsters.

If you want to know more about ford, please click Ford trouble Repair.


How to Install Software for Ford and Mazda

Firstly please prepare two laptops, one for software for Ford, the other is for Mazda. This is the instruction for the tool Ford


Here are the installation steps for Ford.
1. Install Ford IDS-124
2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS – 124, and restart the computer
3. Install the Ford original VCI software_
4. Install VCI manager (Ford) 20.11.24 and Ford IDS driver
5. Wait for the VCI manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
6. Connect device and install IDS patch
7. Use IDSpatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.

Here are the installation steps for Mazda.
1. Install Mazda IDS-124
2. Wait for the installation of Mazda IDS – 124, and restart the computer
3. Install VCI manager (Mazda) 20.11.24 and Mazda IDS driver
4. Wait for the VCI manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
5. Connect device and install IDS patch
6. Use IDSpatch to open IDs and start diagnosis.

Mazda IDS V124
Ford_Mazda IDS Patch (No need VMware)

Ford IDS V124 Installation package:


MZD IDS V124 Installation package:


Ford and Mzd patch:
