
Ford VCM 2 FAQ


What is the difference between VCM2 and VCM3?
The VCM3 in fact does all 1996 up ford/lincoln/mercury just like the VCM 2 its fully backward compatible, but it is slightly faster with most cars, which is nice, eliminating diagnostic time, and has a built in capacitor for power storage for use when vehicle ignition is turned off and back on but module needs to still …

How to Update Ford VCM 2 Diagnostic Tool Firmware?
1. Please press your device power button.
2. Long-press the power button, connect to VCM2 device power supply, wait for all 4 indicators turn on, then release the button.
3. Run the IDS software, system will prompt to update firmware.

What is the difference between IDS and FJDS?
IDS is a flexible diagnostic tool that utilizes standard computing platforms to work with Ford’s VCM, VCM II, VCMM and VMM devices. FJDS is a flexible diagnostic tool that utilizes standard computing platforms to work with Ford’s VCM II or J2534 compatible devices.

How do I update my Ford IDS software?
Your computer must be network activated and have an Internet connection to receive automatic notification of updates. To activate: System Utilities->Network Options ->Activate Page 4 Page 4 4. Select “Software Update” and click the blue tick. A software update popup will be displayed.

What can Ford IDS do?
Ford Integrated Diagnostic System (IDS): The IDS application will perform the identical functions of the WDS and allows dealership technicians to diagnose and service Ford, Lincoln, Mercury vehicles. IDS is enhanced WDS software that was modified to run on a standard laptop platform, and utilizes the VCM and VMM.

Is Ford id software Free?
If you wanna get the latest ford ids software v112, you can get it here now, obd2tool.com team will share it with you free.

Ford_IDS V121 Installation package:

Mzd_IDS V121 Installation package:

Ford_Mzd V121 patch:

What is the full form of IDS software?
An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network or systems for malicious activity or policy violations.

What is Vxdiag?
VXDIAG VCX Nano GDS2 and Tech2Win Diagnostic Programming System for GM/Opel. Despite the advanced functionality, this VXDIAG VCX Nano is actually very simple to use. It is designed for the ordinary car owner. With it, you can diagnose various onboard systems and do relearn as well as advanced reset.

What software does Ford use?
Ford uses Sigmund with SolidWorks® 3D CAD software to ensure superior quality. Glenn Reed, a Ford mechanical technical expert based in Dearborn, Michigan is a power user.
What is Ford Fdrs software?

Ford Diagnostic & Repair System (FDRS) – The next generation dealer diagnostic software. The factory Ford Motor Company vehicle diagnostic Software designed for use with Ford VCM II, VCMM and J2534 compatible Interfaces. FDRS provides complete dealership level vehicle diagnostic coverage for 2018 and forward vehicles.

What is GM MDI?
The GM MDI 2 is the Global Diagnostic Interface tool for both current and future GM vehicles. It replaces the MDI introduced in 2007 and offers a compact communication module with increased processing power and security to offer faster transfer of data between a vehicle’s onboard ECU network with an auxiliary CAN bus.

How do I get Ford as built data?
You generally will find the As Built data by finding the “Service Publications” tab. Enter the VIN in the dialogue box there. Then click on the “Oasis” tab then hit the “As Built” button.

What is Ford as built?
The Ford As-built data is a list of code parameters that represent the specific functions of your Ford vehicle. The Ford As-built data can be accessed using software like FORScan. With FORScan, you can configure and program the values of the As-built data to apply changes to the functionalities of your vehicle.

What is as built data?
According to Business Dictionary, as-builts are a “revised set of drawings submitted by a contractor upon completion of a project or a particular job. The final as-built drawings include any and all of the following, as well as every other change made during the construction phase of a project: Modifications.


(Solved) VCM2 firmware is newer than IDS software


Recently,Obd2tool has received some question about Ford VCM2 firmware downgrade,and obdexpress found the same problem in the mhhauto OBDII scan forum.


Here you are:

I just get VCM2 and instaled IDS v86 and when I start sw error I get that VCM firmware is newer then IDS sw.
How to do?
Customer solutions from the MH forum:

Press and hold reset button after that insert usb to pc still hold reset button when you will hear beep after that release reset button.

If it does not works….

Try to use this Ford VCM II Software setup v2.1.119.3. I have Chinese clone Ford VCM II and working with Ford IDS v86, Mazda IDS v91 and with JLR SDD v138 with this software setup too. My VCM have no problem with update downgrade I had installed Ford IDS v95 after that v86 and no problem update downgrade. When I installed JLR SDD v138 I had to update VCM to this version and after that was not functional with Ford IDS v86 after installing this setup was all functional.

Ford VCM II v2.1.119.3:
(RUN v2.1.119.3 on a computer without any IDS or SDD
Start VCI Manager and press update /start
you can do this without press the button on vcmii)

When I want update or downgrade VCM I have to only connect VCM with PC not need connect VCM to OBD. I have installed this softwares on VMware each separately. Each with new clean windows xp. I have not installed newest Ford IDS v95 for example because I don`t know how to freeze system still after 5 days license k.o.  But I had installed this new version Ford v95 and worked this new software update without problem. I install V94 and after that IDS said me is new version v95 I downloaded it and it worked.

I am using V94, and I was told I need OSCH VCI MAMAGER2.1.119.3, NOT

you need to press the reset button on the vcmII WHILE CONNECTED TO 12V, then when you see all lights flash at once on the vcmii, you put to usb , wait for beep release reset button on VCMII and start VCI MANAGER.
SO IN ids 94, you can go to program and features and uninstall version , reboot and install
to install MAZDA IDS With ford VCMII”

I downgrade my vcm2 firmware to work with Ford IDS v86, and now ford is ok for me.
I followed a youtube video and I installed (on free IDS PC) Mazda IDS v88 (because I readed that v88 will work with same firmware as ford v86) . Changed Bosch VCI manager files from ford into mazda and now when start vcm manager ask me to update to newer version , but I not wanna update and skip that.
When start Mazda IDS also told me that must update, so which version of mazda will work with same ford v86 fw? Must I search for Mazda v86??

Note: the version software is unimportant , its the ETAS version that matters .
you use the SAME one across all JLR, MAZDA, FORD.

If clone Ford VCMII, USEthat etas version for your FORD, MAZDA, and JLR

Enjoy and good luck!


How to activate Ford VCM2 IDS Special Function


Ford VCM2 IDS Special Function

With Ford VCM 2 clone with IDS, how to enable or activate Special Function in the menu Module Programming/Programmable Parameters/Car Configuration Parameter(s)? Here is the how-to guide from a CT member. It’s a customer experience; try at your own risk.

Ok just had a play and i managed to get to enter the code (here: 60274)

I found where IDS stores these codes:
C:\Program Files\Ford Motor Company\IDS\Runtime\Registry.xml
Under <key name=”UPDATEFUNCTIONS”>
Going to try them out.
Enter the code
71863 – IDENT_MCP1

2-1 2-2
Enter the code 60274
It changes the ccc option in module programming to a different list with more options and also appeared to give me icons to read and write dumps,
But I ran out of time to play more and see what options did, I did try to disable my seat belt off warning buzzer but it failed to work, Other peoples input would be nice once you test it…
See my photos, get the first page up as shown then click update/ special functions on your right hand side
As for getting nothing to appear in special function through VCM2 IDS, i had two option in there, read config file and modify, Also for me the tool box module programming, 3rd option down had changed to allow what i would normally alter within ccc as well as a as built option which i do not normally see on this year of car, It had speed items for one listed, were as this is found on later fords than mine in the pcm on first page.



How to use Ford VCM2 clone program Ford module


Ford module programming with Ford VCM 2 clone
VCM2 manual: NEW module programming using Ford IDS software

You need Ford IDS software, original or crack

(VCM2 genuine definitely is the best solution, but a high-quality one should work great, not  cheap crappy tools)


VCM 2 is the new Ford OEM diagnostic tool

When installing a new module, the configuration data must be transferred from the old module beforeit is removed. The new module of Ford IDS Software will then be programmed using this information. Use the followingsteps to download the data from the existing module and program the new module:

Step 1: Select the toolbox tab at the top of the screen

Step 2: Select “Module Programming”

Step 3: Select the tick mark or the Enter key

Step 4: Select “Programmable Module Installation”

Step 5: From the fly out menu, select the type of module to be installed

Step 6: Select the tick mark or the Enter key

Step 7: Make sure that an Internet connection has been established and then select “Confirm”

Step 8: Follow the instructions on the screen. These instructions vary depending on the type ofmodule being installed.

NOTE: Be sure to follow these instructions in the exact order that they are given. Do not remove or install any modules until instructed to do so. Failure to follow the instructions correctly may result in the configuration data received during vehicle identification to program incorrectly or not at all.

Step 8A: If Ford Module Programming was unable to retrieve the configuration data due to either

a non-functioning module or a module which was removed before the data was retrieved, the

application will request that the user obtain information from the Module Build Data (As Built)

database. Access to this database is included in the Ford Module Programming subscription. The

data can be obtained by doing the following:

● Go to the Motorcraft website (www.motorcraft.com)
● Go to the Technical Resources area
● Log in using the User ID and password set up when the subscription to Ford Module

Programming was purchased

● Select “My Subscriptions”
● Select “Ford Module Programming”
● Select “Module Build Data (as Built)”
● Enter the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) and select “Submit”
● Write down the information that was requested by the Ford Module Programming


● Return to the Ford Module Programming application and enter the requested information

Step 9: If necessary, apply the reprogramming label to the PCM
If an emissions recall has been performed or a required emissions-related TSB has been completed,an Authorized Modification label must be placed on the PCM. These labels can be purchased at the parts counter of a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealership.

NOTE: It is the responsibility of the technician to inform the customer that Ford Motor Company will not reimburse the vehicle owner for field service actions that are not completed at a Ford or Lincoln/Mercury dealership.

Step 10: When the “Programming complete” screen appears, select the tick mark or the Enterkey. If PATS initialization is required, Ford Module Programming may automatically link to the PATSparameter reset and/or key relearn procedures. Two ignition keys may be required to complete the

PATS initialization procedure.

Step 10A: If PATS initialization is required and Ford Module Programming did not link to thatfunctionality automatically, go to the Toolbox tab and select “PATS”. Detailed instructionsare provided in Section 6.


Can I use Ford VCM2 clone for Suzuki diagnosis


Is it possible to use a Ford VCM II unit for Suzuki diagnosis with SDT 2?

The basic steps
– install IDS software in clean VM Windows 7 32 bit.
– downgrade firmware to v2.1.119.19
– Mazda-V94
– install SDT SDT-II_soft_2140025
– in C:\Program Files\Bosch\VTX-VCI copy all files from “VCI Software (Ford-VCM-II)” to “VCI Software (6516-Suzuki)”
and run.

In detail…

For owners of Ford VCM II (dual-board), an instruction (more specifically a review) for installing and configuring the Ford VCM II to work with the Suzuki SDT-2 program.

The site of the program is posted (sold) version, on the network (thanks to the distributor) (from 1.10.2015).

For those already using the Ford VCM II with the Ford IDS program.

On the laptop (or OS) where the Ford VCM II with Ford IDS is installed and running, go along the path:

C: \ Program Files \ Ford Motor Company \ IDS \ Runtime \ install3rdparty \ ETAS
C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Ford Motor Company \ IDS \ Runtime \ install3rdparty \ ETAS
Regards … (Thanks to vagvag for the information).

Copy and save in a convenient place for you or media, the file is the installer of the VCM II manager running Ford IDS.

Install the Suzuki SDT-2. Run the installer program, after a short time the program will ask you to connect VCM II. It is enough to connect via USB. We connect, only after this the program will be completely installed. (VCM II connected)

The program is installed, turn off VCM II.

We launch the file of the installer of the FORD VCM manager running Ford IDS.

We follow the path: “C: \ Program Files \ VTX-VCI”. We see two folders of VCI Software (6516-Suzuki) and VCI Software (Ford-VCM-II).

We copy the contents of the VCI Software folder (Ford-VCM-II) and paste it into the VCI Software folder (6516-Suzuki).

Reboot. We plug the power of 12 volts through the diagnostic tool, the VCM II is plugged, we connect the VCM II via USB to the laptop. There will be, as usual, installation of drivers.

Launch the VCM II Manager. The Start button \ All Programs \ Bosch \ VCI Software (6516-Suzuki) \ VCM Manager (6516-Suzuki). Click Connect. A green quote appears in the VCM image. Click on Show Details. Look, in the lines of the PC S / W Version and VCM II S / W Version, the numbers match. At the top of the picture VCM Manager inscription VCM II Manager (Ford-VCM-II). It should be so. We close VCM Manager.

We launch Suzuki SDT-2. We rejoice.

When working with the program. Connected the scanner to the car, waited for “peak”, connected via USB to the laptop and run Suzuki SDT-2. If necessary, we switch to the required language via the System Configuration (Russian is present). I have an eng OS and the program was installed with a sample of English. We are working. The program is simple, I think the questions should not arise.

Good luck!

(credits to Demserzh)

Suggestion from real pros working for obd2tool.com:

Unknown risk might happen.

For sake of security, you’re advised to have a machine for Suzuki only.

Suzuki diagnostic: GM Tech 2 HQ clone or genuine



Suzuki key programming: Obdstar F109



PIN Calculator

20-4 digit Pin Code


Select from vehicle

Type 1
Type 2
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Baleno 96-01
Grand Vitara
Wagon R
RIZT 07-15
Select from type
Type 1
Type 2
Type 3
Type 4
Type 5
Type 6
Type 7
Type 8
Type 9
Type 10
Type 11
Type 12
Smart key system

Suzuki odometer correction: Obdstar F109


Grand Vitara
Type 1 D70F3421
Type 2 D70F3422
Kizashi D70F3422



VCM II “error license for function Passthru” Solution


Have VCM2 clone and when I install the patch file, I get message ” error license for function: Passthru” and “Device error”. I install Ford IDS V112, Mazda IDS V107.

OBD2TOOL engineer solution:

Ford_IDS Installation package:

Mzd_IDS Installation package:

Ford_Mzd patch:

Virtual machine Ford IDS 106 CN: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yhbR1yTrr5B0rKKhTrmQMw? Password:v8pg?
Virtual machine Ford IDS 106 EN: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13_oIwio1Eehl_usP6CgbWw Password:i2ku


How to Install Ford IDS Diagnostic Software

Here is a easy step-by-step guide on Ford IDS diagnostic software installation guide.In this article introduce two versions of Ford IDS Software installation guide:

Before installing Ford IDS,you need to download it from below article link:

Ford IDS v106 Software Free Download

Download Microsoft .NET Framework (need install this before)

*1 Ford IDS Official original version installation Guide:

Step 1:After downloading the Ford IDS software,run the IDS.EXE in the installation package.

Wait for the IDS – InstallShield Wizard to prepare setup.

Step 2:Ensure the correct language is selected then click Next. Wait for the progress bar to complete.

Step 3:Click “Next”

Select I accept the terms of the license agreement, then click Next.

Step 4:Read the IDS and Firewall Compatibility page, check I have read and understand the firewall compatibility warning. Then click Next.

Do not change the drive location, then click Next.

Step 5:Click the Install button when ready to install software.

IDS software installation has started.

Step 6:Read the Install Calibration Reminder, check I have read and understand this reminder, then click Next.

Select Yes, I want to restart my computer now. Then click Finish.

IDS Software Licensing

A new IDS Software Licensing subscription process, released in 2011, replaces the current VCM/IDS subscription process. A unique license is required for each computer where IDS is installed. Vehicle communication through the VCM is disabled without an active license.

The IDS Software – Evaluation License dialog box will appear if your computer does not have an active licensed installed. Follow the onscreen instructions.

Access IDS > System Utilities > License Management for further information on IDS Software Licensing.

*2 Ford IDS crack version Installation Guide:(take IDS v97 as a example)

Install V81 calibration files

Install V91 IDS

(Should have 3 day trail information after install V91 IDS, otherwise fail to install, quit the IDS.)

Install VCM2 IDS V96. if IDS V96 runs well, continue operation

Install IDS V97, make sure it runs OK

Finally install the VX Driver you just download above

Test and diagnose cars

Install frozen software


How to solve Ford VCM2 IDS Testman Error


Offer the solution to Ford VCM2 IDS Testman error when diagnosing F – Series Super Duty.

Vehicle: F – Series Super Duty

Engine Type: Direct Injection – Turbo

Capacity: 6.0L

Transmission: Automatic

Fuel type: Diesel

Emission level: 50 state emission

Ford scanner to use: VCM2 running IDS software


Testman error 12 56 253662

IDS Testman Error Solution:

You have to install IDS patch, download and install the patch here:


Good luck!


VCM II “error license for function Passthru” Solution


Have VCM2 clone and when I install the patch file, I get message ” error license for function: Passthru” and “Device error”. I install Ford IDS V112, Mazda IDS V107.

OBD2TOOL engineer solution:

Ford_IDS Installation package:

Mzd_IDS Installation package:

Ford_Mzd patch:

Virtual machine Ford IDS 106 CN: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1yhbR1yTrr5B0rKKhTrmQMw? Password:v8pg?
Virtual machine Ford IDS 106 EN: https://pan.baidu.com/s/13_oIwio1Eehl_usP6CgbWw Password:i2ku


How to Install Ford software on Win7 with VCMII Clone

Crack Ford V108.01 is verified working great with FORD VCM clone & original as well as VXDIAG Nano for Ford scanner. There are two optional crack Ford V108.01 for your need.

Reliable source:
Option 1: Multilingual Ford IDS V108.01 Full Software
Price: 66.99EUR
Serve online installation and activation
Ford VCM II clone … (Confirmed ok)
Ford VCM II original  … (Confirmed ok)
VXDIAG NANO Ford IDS… (Confirmed ok)
working flawlessly on win xp /7 32 64 bits with VCMII clone or original, and features in online programming.
Multi Language available: English, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Portuguese etc.

Ford IDS V108.01 Installation & activation:
After you complete payment, the supplier will help installation & activation with TeamViewer.

Functions to be achieved:
V108.01 IDS is able to download the latest calibration/software files from ford’s server if your internet connection is available at the time of connecting to vehicles. (Confirmed)
Read and decode fault codes (Confirmed)
Delete fault codes (Confirmed)
Display the system current parameters in digital form (Confirmed)
Combined displaying of data (Confirmed)
Logs Keeping: writing and keeping of digital parameters in memory (Confirmed)
Special functions: changing of permissible setting of blocks, programming etc. (Confirmed)

Option 2: Ford V108.01 (No need activation)
Price: 24.99EURO
Ship 2pcs of CD (4.7GB/per piece)
Install by yourself with installation video demo (Or via remote assistance if any problem)
No need to active
Tested ok on WIN7 (you could try win8 win 10)
Verified working fine with VCMII clone / original as well as VXDIAG NANO for Ford.

Multilanguage available

Ford V108.01 installation (need no activation)

Tip 1: Before installation, please backup the important files on the desktop and disk C, because the next operation will cover the content in the disk C.

Tip 2:
1). If your computer hard drive only has one partition, please prepare a 16GB U flash drive. 2). If has 2 partitions, please unzip the software of CD  into any other partition except disk C.


Open disk D and create a new folder “Ford V108”, then open CD-ROM to copy all files and paste them into the new folder “Ford V108”.

30-2 30-3

Right-click the Ford V108 disk (E:) then select “Eject”.


Again open the CD-ROM disk (E:) and copy all files and paste them into the disk D new folder “Ford V108”.
Open disk D: Ford 108, right click “Ford 108. part01” and select “Extract here”.
Choose all of “Ford 108. part01 to “Ford 108. part33” and delete them, then left the following 3 ones.


Open “Ghost 8.0”.
Open “D:\Ford 108\ford103.GHO” , click on “Confirm” and “Yes” to agree the program to restore the partition C (1:1) from D:\Ford 108\ford103.GHO.

30-8 30-9
The program proceeds complete, if you want to restart the computer?

Click the first option “Restart now”


Installation device driver software.


Restart computer now.


Reset the screen resolution according to your computer need.
Right click “Ford Extending Programming” then click on “Run as administrator”.
Get message “Module programming is enabled until 2016/09/25. Click YES if you want to extend by 120 days from today.”

Click yes.


Get message ” Module programming has been extended to 2018/05/26. Return this app if another extension is required. Click “OK”.


Click on “Start” on the desktop, then “All programs”, then Bosch and find “VCI Manager (Ford VCM II)


Get message “PC Software initialization error (GetModule Type), click “OK”


Open “Computer – Local Disc (C:) – Program Files – Ford Motor Company – IDS – Runtime- Install3rdparty – ETAS – right click on “Setup” then “Run as administrator”.


Bosch VCI software (Ford VCM II) setup

30-19 30-20 30-21

Again right click on “Setup” then “Run as administrator”.
Click NEXT until you see Bosch VCI software (Ford VCM II) InstallShield Wizard completed.

Click on the desktop “Start” then “VCI Manager (Ford – VCM -II)”


Get message “Not connected to VCM II”


Exit and connect VCMII interface to the computer and the Ford model by following the below diagram.


The two indicator flash.


Right click “Computer ” – “Manage” – “Device Manager” , you can see “ETAS VC I USB RNDIS Device”, that means the VCMII communicates a good communication with the computer.


Click “Open Network and shared Center”, then “Change Adapter Setting”, Local area connection is enabled.

Open “IDS”
Click on “Start New Session” then “All other” and “√”


Establishing communication to PCM.


Select vehicle specification.


If the vehicle specification is correct, click “Yes”.


Module Programming.


Programmable Module Installation.


Module Reprogramming on…


Programmable Parameters


As – Built




Self test – All CMDTCs


Read DTCs…

Go on operating Ford VCM…